The insurance market in Islamic Republic of Pakistan over the previous few years is characterized by a high degree of over capability. whereas the potentials for growth do exist, public awareness to the necessity for insurance protection stay terribly low.
There area unit thirty two firms on the list of Karachi stock market. Out of that the Annual Report of Ittefaq Insurance, Khyber Insurance and Islamic Republic of Pakistan Northern Insurance weren't obtainable at the time of preparation of this report. the full paid Capital of the remaining twenty nine firms stood at Rs. 784.96 million and Free Reserves and Surplus stood at Rs. 1167.96 million. the overall Break-up price per Rs. 10/-worked bent Rs. 24.88. The high Break-up price of firms within the declivitous order were as follows:-
Break-up Value per Rs. 10/- :
1993 1992
Central Insurance 71.72 51.68
Pakistan Ins. Corp. 55.25 41.56
International Gen. Ins. 41.84 46.42
Adamjee Insurance 32.79 30.19
Century Insurance 27.83 17.67
New Jubilee Insurance 23.08 21.37
E. F. U. 20.66 29.86
It will be seen from the on top of table that out of on top of seven firms five firms showed increase in their Break-up worth over the previous year, whereas International General Insurance and EFU showed a decrease primarily thanks to increase in its paid Capital over the previous year.
Earning Per Share: the very best Earning per share was at Rs. 26.68 of Islamic Republic of Pakistan Insurance Corporation, followed by Central Insurance at Rs. 15.63 and Adamjee Insurance at Rs. 11.64. the subsequent table illustrates the Earning Per Share of seven firms within the dropping order :-
1993 1992
Pakistan Ins. Corp. 26.68 22.15
Central Insurance 15.63 18.53
Adamjee Insurance 11.64 11.38
E. F. U. 6.73 6.95
International Gen. Ins. 6.42 8.59
Reliance Insurance 5.09 4.05
Muslim Insurance 4.49 4.31
Dividend: Out of 32 companies, 16 have paid dividend/bonus shares during the year